Clinical Trial: Comparing Non-fixation of Mesh to Mesh Fixation in Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair

Study Status: Completed
Recruit Status: Completed
Study Type: Interventional

Official Title: Comparing Non-fixation of Mesh to Mesh Fixation in Laparoscopic Total Extraperitoneal Inguinal Hernia Repair Under Spinal Anesthesia- A Randomized Controlled Trial

Brief Summary:

The purpose of the study is

  1. To compare the recurrence rate of the laparoscopic total extra peritoneal inguinal hernia repair without fixation of the mesh to mesh fixation under spinal anesthesia
  2. To test whether non-fixation of mesh leads to less pain compared to the repair when the mesh is fixed.

Detailed Summary:

Hernia repair is one of the most common surgery performed all over the world. The same is true about India. With more than a billion population, the number of hernia patients in India perhaps run in millions. The laparoscopic repair is increasingly becoming popular in India.

Decreased post operative pain and lesser morbidity are the main advantages of Total Extra Peritoneal Repair (TEP) over open hernia repair. Laparoscopic hernia repair is now recommended as the method of choice for bilateral and recurrent inguinal hernias. The disadvantages of TEP are requirement of general anesthesia (GA), need to fix the mesh, seroma formation and difficult learning curve. Fixation of mesh with metal staples, apart from increasing the cost, may lead to new post operative groin pain which even becomes chronic in small percentage of patients. This had led to various studies showing that the non-fixation of mesh is safe, cost effective and lead to no increased risk of hernia recurrence compared to the conventional open hernia repair. Requirement of GA for TEP repair also had several disadvantages compared to regional anesthesia such as significant hemodynamic changes, delayed recovery, post operative nausea and vomiting, increased cost and inability to give anesthesia in high cardio-pulmonary risk patients. Several studies in recent past have demonstrated TEP is feasible and safe in regional anesthesia (epidural or spinal) as well. We earlier reported that TEP repair could be done without fixation of the mesh under regional anesthesia.

This study is a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) comparing the outcome of non-fixation of mesh during laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair with fixation of mesh under spinal anesthesia. The end points measured would be the recurrence of the hernia and pain in the post operative period.

Sponsor: Moulana Hospital

Current Primary Outcome:

  • Recurrence of Inguinal Hernia on the Operated Side in Mesh Non-fixation and Mesh Fixation Group. [ Time Frame: 1 year ]
    Patients in both the arms will be followed up post operatively at 24 hours, 1 week, 1 month and 1 year to check for recurrence or persistence of inguinal hernia on the operated side. At these follow up visits, the patients would be asked about reoccurence of bulge on the operated side and will be examined clinically. In case, there is a suspicion of recurrence, the patient would be examined by a second surgeon and undergo Ultrasound and/or CT to confirm the recurrence of hernia.
  • Proportion of Patients Having Pain in the Post Operative Period [ Time Frame: 1 month ]
    To compare the proportion of patients having pain in the mesh fixation and non fixation group at one month postoperatively.

Original Primary Outcome: Recurrence or Persistence of the inguinal hernia on the operated side in Mesh Non-fixation and Mesh Fixation group. [ Time Frame: 1 year ]

Patients in both the arms will be followed up post operatively at 24 hours, 1 week, 1 month and 1 year to check for recurrence or persistence of inguinal hernia on the operated side. At these follow up visits, the patients would be asked about reoccurence of bulge on the operated side and will be examined clinically. In case, there is a suspicion of recurrence, the patient would be examined by a second surgeon and undergo Ultrasound and/or CT to confirm the recurrence of hernia.

Current Secondary Outcome: Seroma Formation [ Time Frame: One year ]

A seroma was defined as a non tender, irreducible hemispherical swelling with a fluctuant or firm consistency at the hernia site, examined and found during the first year. The diagnosis was based on the clinical finding of a palpable fluid collection without a size limit. One could get above the upper border of the swelling and there was usually absence of a cough impulse. To detect seroma, the clinical examination was carried at the first follow-up visit on the 7th postoperative day.

Original Secondary Outcome:

  • Pain scores in the post operative period [ Time Frame: 1 year ]
    To compare pain scores in the mesh fixation and non fixation group at 24 hours, 7 days and one year postoperatively. We use Modified VAS. This scale contain 5 visual expressions[No pain (1), Mild pain (2), Moderate pain (3), Severe pain (4) and Intolerable pain(5)]indicating pain. As a significant proportion of the patients in our hospital come from rural background and are illiterate,they are able to tell their level of pain from the visual expressions with comparative ease.The pain scores will be from 1-5.
  • Seroma formation on the operated side in the mesh fixation and non-fixation group. [ Time Frame: 1 year ]
    The patient will be examined for seroma on the 7th postoperative day.The diagnosis will be based on the clinical finding of a palpable non tender hemispherical swelling with a fluctuant or firm consistency at the hernia site without a size limit. One can get above the upper border of the swelling and there is absence of a cough impulse.

Information By: Moulana Hospital

Date Received: May 3, 2010
Date Started: September 2008
Date Completion:
Last Updated: August 9, 2010
Last Verified: July 2008