Clinical Trial: Treatment Effect of Cross-frequency Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation on the MUD

Study Status: RECRUITING
Recruit Status: RECRUITING

Official Title: The Exploration of Novel Cross-frequency Protocol of Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation in the Treatment of Methamphetamine Use Disorder: A Randomized Sham-controlled Study

Brief Summary: The purpose of this research is to evaluate the efficacy of multiple sessions of theta-gamma cross-frequency transcranial alternating current stimulation in patients with methamphetamine (MA) use disorders.

Detailed Summary: Previous evidence suggests that different aspects of cognitive function are associated with activities of distinct EEG frequency bands.
Gamma oscillatory has been found in clinical studies to reflect the processing of rewards in patients with drug dependence, whereas medial prefrontal theta oscillatory characterizes prefrontal response inhibition capacity to downstream reward arousal.
Interestingly, impaired response inhibition or impaired evaluation of rewards in patients with drug dependence have been found to correlate with the arousal of psychological craving and the emergence of relapse.
Here we aim to find causal evidence supporting these previous correlational findings by applying cross-frequency transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) in the specific frequency bands (theta-gamma) previously shown to be addiction-relevant.
In a randomized control clinical trial design, we stimulate subjects with either theta-gamma or sham tACS.
Electroencephalography will be collected before and after each treatment session.
Besides, the scale and behavior task data will also collected before and after the treatment.
Sponsor: Shanghai Mental Health Center

Current Primary Outcome: evaluate all participants' craving for for methamphetamine assessed by Visual Analog Scales (VAS).
Score of VAS range from 0 to 10, and higher values represent high level of craving.

Original Primary Outcome: evaluate all participants' craving for for methamphetamine assessed by Visual Analog Scales (VAS).
Score of VAS range from 0 to 10, and higher values represent high level of craving.

Current Secondary Outcome:

Original Secondary Outcome:

Information By: Shanghai Mental Health Center

Date Received: October 24, 2023
Date Started: October 15, 2023
Date Completion: February 15, 2024
Last Updated: December 06, 2023
Last Verified: October 01, 2023