Clinical Trial: A Clinical Trial to Test the Saftey and Success Rate for a Cerrumen Cleaning Device - "Wondertip".

Study Status: Not yet recruiting
Recruit Status: Not yet recruiting
Study Type: Interventional

Official Title: Testing the Effectivness and Safety of the Wondertip

Brief Summary: Wondertip is a silicone single use device with a coil end, designed for the purpose of evacuating impacted cerumen of external ear canals. This trial aims at testing the safety and efficacy of this device. The participating investigators will be ENT doctors with the skill of examining the treating ear problems.

Detailed Summary:

Cerumen is ear wax, a combination of dead skin cells of the external ear canal, sebaceous glands secretions and ceruminous sweat glands secretions. Cerumen exists in a range of people but sometimes it become an obstacle to patients or caregivers. Cerumen may accumulate in the external ear canal and cause discomfort to the patient, sensation ofobtuseness and conductive hearing loss. Patients who use hearing aids may suffer from problems wearing them, and sometimes the cerumen may plug the inner part of the hearing aid or the ventilation channel of the ear phone.

For caregivers, cerumen may poses a diagnostic challenge, by concealing part of the external ear canal and tympanic membrane, thus making it difficult to observe the middle ear. cerumen my affect the results of audiometric tests, ABR tests, Otoacustic Emission tests and in conducting tympanometric tests. All of which may result in false results. The incidence of cerumen is estimated to be betwean 7 to 35% of the general population.

There are few options to evacuate the cerumen, but they usually require skill and the use of otology microscope. It mays casue discomfort or pain, and even trauma to the external ear canal or the tympanic membrane. A device which does not require a special skill or equipment may have a advantage, especially for the general practioner doctor.

The Wondertip is an Israeli patent, made of silicone with a coil like end, targeted to evacuate the cerumen in a safe and effective manner. The coil is gently inserted to the ear canal, grasps and evacuates the cerumen.

The purpose of the trial is to investigate the safety and efficacy of the Wondertip. A second purpose is to messure external ear canal depth.

how much of the tympanic is visible after using the Wondertip

Original Primary Outcome: Same as current

Current Secondary Outcome:

Original Secondary Outcome:

Information By: Kaplan Medical Center

Date Received: January 10, 2017
Date Started: February 2017
Date Completion: December 2017
Last Updated: January 11, 2017
Last Verified: January 2017